When it comes to planning a new garden, or just adding new plants and borders to an existing one, there are usually plenty of different factors to take into account. You may have areas that luxuriate in full sun, are boggy and wet, or are so well drained and dry that plants at home in the most arid of deserts feel perfectly at home there. No matter what the conditions there is something that will grow and flourish.
Something that often goes overlooked is shade. That shade could be created by your home and outbuildings, or might simply be patches of ground beneath larger plants and trees. Perhaps it’s our instinctive feeling that sunlight is what matters most to plants , and that those shady parts aren’t worth worrying about. In fact there’s no shortage of interesting and fun plants of all sizes that can occupy these shadowy parts of our garden, adding texture and interest to places that might otherwise remain bare. A well balanced garden will be home to shrubs, trees, creepers of all shapes and sizes, giving a layered depth to our green surroundings, and that includes the shady corners.
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